2015년 9월 29일 화요일

Star Wars Episode 7 to feature Yoda as a Force ghost?

Star Wars Episode 7 to feature Yoda as a Force ghost?

“The character may have met his end in Return of the Jedi but it looks like he’ll be back
A source told Cosmic Book News: ‘Our DC Entertainment Source has sent in a couple of tidbits of information with mention that Star Wars: Episode VII will feature Force Ghost Yoda
“‘We’re told that Yoda will have words with Luke Skywalker about a rising unbalance in the force and the need to preserve the Jedi.’
And Yoda’s might not be the only old face to pop up again – the site reports that holograms of Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn, Samuel L Jackson as Mace Windu could also be displayed in the new Jedi Temple.
Star Wars Episode 7, which will be directed by JJ Abrams, is due out on December 18, 2015.

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