2016년 3월 26일 토요일

She should have a goat lick his feet like ancient Romans did. Continuously drip salt water on his feet as the goats lap away. His healing will keep it from becoming painful which means it will be pure tickle torture.

“LannaD Feb 25, 2016 Hobbyist Digital Artist
Oh, Logan, I love the pickles you keep getting yourself into:). With those exquisite looking toes, not to mention the rest of him, I'm not surprised Mystique just couldn't help herself:D.
While Logan might be almost naked here, his feet are in the front, and I'm sure I'm not the only one enjoying the view:love:. Poor guy does look rather dumbstruck, and more than a little nervous, but I doubt that he's really surprised after all that's happened to him. Then, again, this might be one of the early occurrences in the tickleverse, or at least before Logan learned about Raven's unusual taste in men, and their body parts. He's probably too nervous to put it together, but with Kurt tickling him so damn often, a mother-son confirmation might be in order. Let's just hope that they don't decide to celebrate their reunion by inviting him to jump out of a cake naked:). To make things even worse, Wade may have gone to get a camera, or some encephalographic equipment, to be of assistance, of course.
On a more technical side of things, I'm loving just about everything about this picture, even the simple background that doesn't take the attention away from the important parts. There's certainly quite a good sense of depth perception, and the colouring is perfectly contrasted with the important stuff in warm tones, while the background is cold and non-intrusive, while still representing what it should, just not grabbing the attention (including DPs signature in the back). The feet, and Logan in general look lovely, soft, yet firm, and I can practically feel the body hair rustling under my fingers. His hair looks spike, as always, perhaps a bit more so here from all the anticipation, which I'm sure is making Mystique wet in two, or more places at once. The dumbstruck look on his face is just perfect, and says a thousand words, most of them being of the “oh, shit!” variety. I see that he's still sporting some patriotic underwear, despite this taking place in Canada.
Speaking of Canada, the tools look great, if a tad boring for her taste, since I expected her to get creative (maple syrup aside, though I wonder what she might be planning to do with that) The silicone pastry brush (which is what I'm assuming the red handle thing is) might be a clue, followed by the toothbrush, that ought to get any remains of the syrup out from in between his toes. The feathers are what I'm guessing will be used first, as she wouldn't want them to get all sticky (or maybe she would:)), and the contrast between the bristles and the handle on the immensely dense hairbrush must be strategic, as well, as that might be what catches Logan's attention first.
Overall, despite not showing much, this pic sure got my imagination going, and I kept certain comments that are above R-rating to myself. I'm glad you're still active here, and take the time to grace us all with your lovely pics:tighthug:

Logan said no torture? and yet now he has gotten himself into a bind wonder how long he will last and how long she will do this for maybe she'll get the info and still want to keep going >: )

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