2016년 3월 26일 토요일

Yes yes, the upperbody definitely needs some love too. :) I go down like a sack of potatoes when my fiance' tickles my neck so if Wolvie's anything like me then he must be suffering pretty bad. :XD:

“Lylithix Aug 24, 2013
I'm sorry for this being a very late comment as I'd thought I'd already posted a comment here and just realised today that I hadn't. I've also not seen the movie yet, though I'm going to finally go and catch it this week. I've heard it's got some mixed reviews but hopefully it should be good, though I won't get my expectations too high and keep in mind they've probably made a lot of changes.
I think this would have to be a masterpiece, certainly one of your best with Logan both in terms of the sheer amount of torture he's undergoing and the perfection you've achieved with him, with I think the best torso I've seen with the compact musculature and body hair, and you've captured his pose perfectly since I can just imagine him twisting and writhing as he attempts to escape the robot hands attention. It looks as though they're testing all the sensitive spots with four more still waiting to be deployed. His facial expression shows he's in agony, given how tightly shut his eyes are and he's got a lot of redness in his cheeks. He actually looks vulnerable, though the feather to his neck might be sending him over the edge. This is probably as close as he'll get to begging for mercy, even with the threats he's making though that's only to be expected.
It's a nice change to have a focus on upper body tickling, though you've also included some very nicely drawn feet as usual, with the soles looking very tender and pink. As with his torso a lot of attention is being paid to all of the most sensitive spots and we know from previous experience that they're always his weakness. Of course with the addition of the sensitivity charts we can finally see for ourselves just where Logan is the most ticklish, so that's useful information to keep in mind. When he finally gets free I imagine Logan will want to make sure he destroys everything in the hope that information doesn't get out. It will be a pity though to see those tickling machines getting destroyed but they can always be rebuilt.
Mystique definitely looks like she's enjoying watching Logan's suffering and no doubt made the suggestion to use this method, though Professor Thornton is probably enjoying himself just as much and still manages to be more disturbing than Raven. They probably both know this method won't persuade Logan to surrender and re-join Weapon X, though he'll either break free or more likely end up losing consciousness and they'll no doubt manage to escape and put Logan in another situation like this again. He'll deserve to go on a break after this though I've no doubt you'll be torturing him again at some point but maybe let him be the tickler a time or two before then.
Sorry it took me a while to get around to this and I'll hopefully get a comment up a lot sooner next time.

“I'm sorry for this being a very late comment as I'd thought I'd already posted a comment here and just realised today that I hadn't. I've also not seen the movie yet, though I'm going to finally go and catch it this week. I've heard it's got some mixed reviews but hopefully it should be good, though I won't get my expectations too high and keep in mind they've probably made a lot of changes.
I think this would have to be a masterpiece, certainly one of your best with Logan both in terms of the sheer amount of torture he's undergoing and the perfection you've achieved with him, with I think the best torso I've seen with the compact musculature and body hair, and you've captured his pose perfectly since I can just imagine him twisting and writhing as he attempts to escape the robot hands attention. It looks as though they're testing all the sensitive spots with four more still waiting to be deployed. His facial expression shows he's in agony, given how tightly shut his eyes are and he's got a lot of redness in his cheeks. He actually looks vulnerable, though the feather to his neck might be sending him over the edge. This is probably as close as he'll get to begging for mercy, even with the threats he's making though that's only to be expected.
It's a nice change to have a focus on upper body tickling, though you've also included some very nicely drawn feet as usual, with the soles looking very tender and pink. As with his torso a lot of attention is being paid to all of the most sensitive spots and we know from previous experience that they're always his weakness. Of course with the addition of the sensitivity charts we can finally see for ourselves just where Logan is the most ticklish, so that's useful information to keep in mind. When he finally gets free I imagine Logan will want to make sure he destroys everything in the hope that information doesn't get out. It will be a pity though to see those tickling machines getting destroyed but they can always be rebuilt.
Mystique definitely looks like she's enjoying watching Logan's suffering and no doubt made the suggestion to use this method, though Professor Thornton is probably enjoying himself just as much and still manages to be more disturbing than Raven. They probably both know this method won't persuade Logan to surrender and re-join Weapon X, though he'll either break free or more likely end up losing consciousness and they'll no doubt manage to escape and put Logan in another situation like this again. He'll deserve to go on a break after this though I've no doubt you'll be torturing him again at some point but maybe let him be the tickler a time or two before then.
Sorry it took me a while to get around to this and I'll hopefully get a comment up a lot sooner next time.

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