2015년 11월 26일 목요일

What Turns Hugh Jackman into a ‘Crybaby’ in the Kitchen? (VIDEO)


“Hugh Jackman may play a tough-guy superhero on screen and have some serious muscle power in the gym. But in an Instagram video posted on Friday morning, the X-Men star showed off his softer side.
… or did he?
The video starts with a close-up on a teary-eyed, somber-looking Jackman confessing: “Look, here’s the thing I want to say …” Oh no! What’s wrong, friend? Do you need a hug?
RELATED: What’s Inside Hugh Jackman’s Diet Cheat Day Box?
Camera pans down to his cutting board …
“I don’t like cutting onions.” Ack—the old onion trick!
We feel you, Wolverine. Cutting onions is perhaps the most painful and thankless of kitchen tasks.
The star appeared to be cooking up a storm on Thursday, also posting a selfie with a shepherd’s pie he made from scratch for his mother-in-law (hey, he does have a soft side!).
“BUT if it’s inedible, I was in the gym, a meeting, walking the dog,” he joked.
Either way, we’re happy to see his on-stage finger-slicing incident did not keep him from picking up a knife again.
RELATED: Hungry Girl’s Crispy Baked Onion Rings: Your Perfect Guilt-Free Snack
—Shay Spence, @chezspence.”

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